48 TF2 Quotes to Brighten Up Your Day

» Humorous » 48 TF2 Quotes to Brighten Up Your Day

TF2 Quotes (also known as Team Fortress 2 Quotes) are a selection of quotes from the game, Team Fortress 2. The quotes range from humorous to inspirational, and they often provide insight into the characters and their personalities. They are often used to provide comic relief, or to express the game’s theme of teamwork. These quotes have become iconic and are often repeated by fans of the game.

48 Best Tf2 Quotes

48 Best Tf2 Quotes

  1. “It’s time to let loose the hounds of justice!”

    – Soldier

  2. “I’m the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn’t very nice.”

    – Scout

  3. “Faster than lightning, more powerful than a locomotive!”

    – Scout

  4. “It’s time to bring the pain!”

    – Soldier

  5. “I’m gonna make ya famous!”

    – Scout

  6. “I’m gonna break you in half!”

    – Soldier

  7. “Incoming!”

    – Soldier

  8. “Maybe you should’ve stayed in bed today!”

    – Sniper

  9. “I’m gonna give you the business!”

    – Scout

  10. “I’m gonna show you what pain looks like!”

    – Soldier

  11. “You’re gonna have a bad time!”

    – Heavy

  12. “You can run, but you can’t hide!”

    – Soldier

  13. “I’m gonna throw you into the sun!”

    – Soldier

  14. “Into the fray!”

    – Soldier

  15. “The pause that refreshes!”

    – Scout

  16. “I’m gonna kick your face in!”

    – Scout

  17. “I’m gonna make you wish you were never born!”

    – Scout

  18. “Come get some!”

    – Soldier

  19. “I’m gonna mop the floor with ya!”

    – Heavy

  20. “It’s clobberin’ time!”

    – Heavy

  21. “Say hello to my little friend!”

    – Heavy

  22. “I’m gonna cut you in twain!”

    – Soldier

  23. “I’m gonna put you down for a nap!”

    – Soldier

  24. “Get ready to meet your maker!”

    – Soldier

  25. “It’s time to face the music!”

    – Soldier

  26. “I’m gonna give you a war you won’t believe!”

    – Soldier

  27. “I’m gonna give you a knuckle sandwich!”

    – Heavy

  28. “It’s time to dance!”

    – Scout

  29. “I’m gonna carve my initials in your forehead!”

    – Scout

  30. “I’m gonna put you in the ground!”

    – Soldier

  31. “I’m gonna teach you a lesson!”

    – Soldier

  32. “Get ready for a world of hurt!”

    – Soldier

  33. “I’m gonna make you my puppet!”

    – Scout

  34. “I’m gonna send you back to preschool!”

    – Scout

  35. “I’m gonna take you to the cleaners!”

    – Scout

  36. “I’m gonna give you a one-way ticket to hell!”

    – Soldier

  37. “I’m gonna give you a short, sharp shock!”

    – Soldier

  38. “I’m gonna take your lunch money!”

    – Scout

  39. “I’m gonna turn you into mincemeat!”

    – Heavy

  40. “I’m gonna give you a face full of fist!”

    – Heavy

  41. “I’m gonna make you my bitch!”

    – Scout

  42. “I’m gonna give you a spanking!”

    – Scout

  43. “I’m gonna give you a one-way trip to the moon!”

    – Soldier

  44. “I’m gonna give you a reality check!”

    – Scout

  45. “I’m gonna give you a real headache!”

    – Soldier

  46. “I’m gonna make you my little puppet!”

    – Scout

  47. “I’m gonna give you a knuckle massage!”

    – Heavy

  48. “I’m gonna give you a one-way trip to the slammer!”

    – Soldier


In conclusion, it is clear that Team Fortress 2 is a game with a rich and varied cast of characters, each of whom has their own unique personality and voice. The game’s characters are often quoted in various situations and it is clear that the game has left a lasting impression on popular culture. Whether you are a fan or a casual observer, the memorable quotes from Team Fortress 2 are sure to bring a smile to your face.


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