» Compassion » 63 Patanjali Quotes to Inspire and Enlighten

Patanjali quotes draw upon the spiritual wisdom of the ancient sage of India, Patanjali. His teachings are the foundation of yoga and offer guidance on how to live a life of balance and harmony. Patanjali’s quotes are filled with timeless wisdom that can help us to make sense of our lives and find peace and joy. They can inspire us to lead a life of purpose and make positive changes in our lives. Patanjali’s quotes are also a great source of motivation and provide guidance on how to lead a life of balance and purpose.

63 Best Patanjali Quotes

63 Best Patanjali Quotes

  1. “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

    – Patanjali

  2. “Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  3. “The highest form of wisdom is kindness.”

    – Patanjali

  4. “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.”

    – Patanjali

  5. “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

    – Patanjali

  6. “Yoga is the process of controlling the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  7. “Life is an art. Realize it fully, and you will reach fulfillment.”

    – Patanjali

  8. “The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.”

    – Patanjali

  9. “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

    – Patanjali

  10. “When you are living in the present, you are not dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.”

    – Patanjali

  11. “The wise one, established in truth, experiences the joy of the Self, which is beyond the senses.”

    – Patanjali

  12. “The mind is the source of happiness and unhappiness.”

    – Patanjali

  13. “Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  14. “Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively towards an object and sustain that direction without any distractions.”

    – Patanjali

  15. “When the mind is purified, the yogi finds joy that is beyond description.”

    – Patanjali

  16. “The practice of yoga brings peace to the mind and body.”

    – Patanjali

  17. “The mind is the source of all suffering and also the source of all joy.”

    – Patanjali

  18. “By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness.”

    – Patanjali

  19. “The external world is a reflection of the inner world.”

    – Patanjali

  20. “The practice of yoga is not for the faint-hearted, it requires strength and a strong will.”

    – Patanjali

  21. “Yoga is the art of living in harmony with the mind, body, and spirit.”

    – Patanjali

  22. “Yoga is the path to true happiness and joy.”

    – Patanjali

  23. “The mind is the cause of all bondage and also the cause of liberation.”

    – Patanjali

  24. “The practice of yoga allows us to see the true nature of things.”

    – Patanjali

  25. “The practice of yoga is the continuous effort to experience the true nature of life.”

    – Patanjali

  26. “Yoga is the journey from the outer to the inner.”

    – Patanjali

  27. “The goal of yoga is to control the fluctuations of the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  28. “The practice of yoga helps to bring about a balance between the body and the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  29. “Yoga is the perfect science to unite the body, mind and soul.”

    – Patanjali

  30. “Yoga is the union of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul.”

    – Patanjali

  31. “Yoga is the process of controlling the thoughts and redirecting the energy of the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  32. “Yoga is the art of living in harmony with the universe.”

    – Patanjali

  33. “Yoga is the practice of finding peace within oneself.”

    – Patanjali

  34. “Yoga is the way to inner peace and contentment.”

    – Patanjali

  35. “Yoga is an exploration of the self, a journey of self-discovery.”

    – Patanjali

  36. “Yoga is the practice of controlling the senses and concentrating the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  37. “Yoga is the practice of focusing the mind and uniting the individual with the divine.”

    – Patanjali

  38. “Yoga is the practice of calming the mind and being present in the moment.”

    – Patanjali

  39. “Yoga is the practice of transcending the mind and uniting with the divine.”

    – Patanjali

  40. “Yoga is the practice of freeing oneself from the bondage of the ego.”

    – Patanjali

  41. “Yoga is the practice of becoming aware of one’s true nature.”

    – Patanjali

  42. “Yoga is the practice of connecting the individual with the universal.”

    – Patanjali

  43. “Yoga is the practice of cultivating inner peace and harmony.”

    – Patanjali

  44. “Yoga is the practice of achieving balance and harmony between body, mind and spirit.”

    – Patanjali

  45. “Yoga is the practice of silencing the fluctuations of the mind.”

    – Patanjali

  46. “Yoga is the practice of uniting the individual with the divine through meditation.”

    – Patanjali

  47. “Yoga is the practice of self-awareness, of discovering one’s true nature.”

    – Patanjali

  48. “Yoga is the practice of transforming the individual from one state of consciousness to another.”

    – Patanjali

  49. “Yoga is the practice of surrendering to the higher power.”

    – Patanjali

  50. “Yoga is the practice of awakening the divine within.”

    – Patanjali

  51. “Yoga is the practice of connecting with the source of all knowledge and wisdom.”

    – Patanjali

  52. “Yoga is the practice of understanding one’s true nature and purpose.”

    – Patanjali

  53. “Yoga is the practice of transcending the ego and connecting with the higher self.”

    – Patanjali

  54. “Yoga is the practice of uniting the individual with the infinite.”

    – Patanjali

  55. “Yoga is the practice of cultivating inner peace and contentment.”

    – Patanjali

  56. “Yoga is the practice of awakening the divine within and uniting with the divine without.”

    – Patanjali

  57. “Yoga is the practice of realizing the oneness of all existence.”

    – Patanjali

  58. “Yoga is the practice of seeing the divine in all things.”

    – Patanjali

  59. “Yoga is the practice of becoming one with the divine.”

    – Patanjali

  60. “Yoga is the practice of transcending the ego and realizing the truth of our existence.”

    – Patanjali

  61. “Yoga is the practice of connecting with the universe and finding our place in it.”

    – Patanjali

  62. “Yoga is the practice of understanding the true nature of reality.”

    – Patanjali

  63. “Yoga is the practice of realizing the ultimate truth of who we are.”

    – Patanjali


Patanjali’s quotes offer us insight into the ancient Vedic traditions, as well as providing us with timeless wisdom that can be applied to our modern lives. His words of wisdom can help us to live better and more meaningful lives, and to understand the inner workings of our minds. Patanjali’s teachings have been around for centuries, and by reading his quotes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual practices and philosophies that have been handed down to us. We can use these quotes to guide our lives, to find peace and contentment, and to live a life that is in harmony with the world around us.


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