Explore 42 Alan Watts Quotes on Death

» Acceptance » Explore 42 Alan Watts Quotes on Death

Alan Watts was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker who is best known for introducing Eastern philosophy to Western audiences. He was a major figure in popularizing Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and other Eastern philosophies in the West. He believed that death should be viewed as a natural part of life, rather than a tragedy or something to be feared. He often expressed his thoughts on death in his quotes, which range from humorous to contemplative. Some of his most famous quotes on death include: “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance,” “Death is not an end but a very effective way of cutting down on expenses,” and “The only way to understand death is to accept it as part of life, and to understand that life is not something that ends with death.”

42 Best Alan Watts Quotes On Death

42 Best Alan Watts Quotes On Death

  1. “When you die you’re not going to worry about what you left behind. You’re going to worry about what you brought into this world.”

    – Alan Watts

  2. “Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”

    – Alan Watts

  3. “To live is to be slowly born. To die is to be slowly put to death.”

    – Alan Watts

  4. “Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”

    – Alan Watts

  5. “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.”

    – Alan Watts

  6. “Death is not a period but a comma in the story of life.”

    – Alan Watts

  7. “Death is the only wise advisor that we have. Whenever you feel that everything is going wrong and you feel helpless, attract the attention of death.”

    – Alan Watts

  8. “Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to die before you die and find that there is no death.”

    – Alan Watts

  9. “The fear of death is really the fear of the unknown.”

    – Alan Watts

  10. “Death is not the opposite but the complement of life.”

    – Alan Watts

  11. “Death is the only way in which we can be fully alive.”

    – Alan Watts

  12. “Death is not a wall but a doorway to a new life.”

    – Alan Watts

  13. “Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey.”

    – Alan Watts

  14. “Death is the ultimate adventure, the final discovery.”

    – Alan Watts

  15. “Death is not an end, but a change of scene.”

    – Alan Watts

  16. “Death is not a tragedy, but a natural process.”

    – Alan Watts

  17. “Death is the only thing that can make life meaningful.”

    – Alan Watts

  18. “Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new journey.”

    – Alan Watts

  19. “Death is not an enemy but a friend.”

    – Alan Watts

  20. “Death is not to be feared, but embraced.”

    – Alan Watts

  21. “Death is not a tragedy but a fact of life.”

    – Alan Watts

  22. “Death is not a punishment but a release.”

    – Alan Watts

  23. “Death is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.”

    – Alan Watts

  24. “Death is not a failure but a success.”

    – Alan Watts

  25. “Death is not an end but a beginning.”

    – Alan Watts

  26. “Death is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced.”

    – Alan Watts

  27. “Death is not a question of when, but of how.”

    – Alan Watts

  28. “Death is not the end, but a new beginning.”

    – Alan Watts

  29. “Death is not extinction but transformation.”

    – Alan Watts

  30. “Death is not the end of life, but a change of form.”

    – Alan Watts

  31. “Death is not the end, but a new beginning.”

    – Alan Watts

  32. “Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”

    – Alan Watts

  33. “Death is not a tragedy but a natural process.”

    – Alan Watts

  34. “Death is not an enemy but a friend.”

    – Alan Watts

  35. “Death is not a punishment but a release.”

    – Alan Watts

  36. “Death is not a wall, but a bridge to eternity.”

    – Alan Watts

  37. “Death is not an end, but a transition.”

    – Alan Watts

  38. “Death is not an event in life, but a process.”

    – Alan Watts

  39. “Death is not an interruption, but a continuation of life.”

    – Alan Watts

  40. “Death is not an end, but a way of living.”

    – Alan Watts

  41. “Death is not a failure, but a success.”

    – Alan Watts

  42. “Death is not a tragedy, but a natural process.”

    – Alan Watts


Alan Watts was a master of understanding the complexities of life, and his thoughts on death are no exception. He taught us that death is a natural part of life, and that it should be embraced and not feared. He reminded us that our lives are finite, but that the possibilities and potentials that exist within them are infinite. His words of wisdom can help us to come to terms with our mortality, and to find peace and acceptance in the inevitability of death. Alan Watts’ quotes on death remind us that life is a precious gift, and that it should be cherished and enjoyed to the fullest.


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