60 Revival Quotes to Inspire You to Rise Again

» Encouraging » 60 Revival Quotes to Inspire You to Rise Again

Revival quotes are words of inspiration and motivation that have been used throughout history to motivate and encourage individuals to take action and keep striving for their goals. They are often used to remind people of the importance of self-improvement, perseverance, and faith in oneself. Revival quotes often emphasize the power of optimism, hard work, and dedication to achieving one’s goals. These quotes can serve as a source of encouragement and hope in difficult times and provide an opportunity to reflect on the past and strive for a better future.

60 Best Revival Quotes

60 Best Revival Quotes

  1. “Revival is the result of prayers, faith, obedience, and wholehearted commitment to the Lord.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  2. “Revivals begin in the pulpit, but they do not end there.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  3. “The first blessing of a revival is always a deeper conviction of sin.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  4. “The only hope of a nation lies in the fear of God and true repentance.”

    – Jonathan Edwards

  5. “Revival is the in-filling of the Spirit on men already regenerated.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  6. “Revival is not a miracle. It is a natural result of obedience to God.”

    – Billy Graham

  7. “Nothing will bring a revival but a prayerful, humble, contrite people.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  8. “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.”

    – Jonathan Edwards

  9. “Revival is not just for the church; it is for the world.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  10. “The only hope of revival is God’s recognition of truth, holiness, and prayer.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  11. “Revival is the rekindling of spiritual fire that has grown cold in the heart.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  12. “The only way to bring a revival is to stir up the fire of God in the people.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  13. “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.”

    – Jonathan Edwards

  14. “The only true revival is a revival of the heart.”

    – Billy Graham

  15. “Revival is the renewing of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in the life of the church.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  16. “Revivals begin in the hearts and lives of individuals, and spread from there to others.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  17. “Revival is not a miracle. It is a natural result of obedience to God.”

    – Billy Graham

  18. “It is not possible to have a revival without genuine repentance.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  19. “Revival is the result of a deep and genuine hunger for God.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  20. “Revival is not a matter of emotion; it is a matter of obedience.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  21. “Revival will come when the church is willing to acknowledge its own desperate need for God.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  22. “Revival is the result of prayerfully seeking God’s presence with all our heart.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  23. “The only hope of revival is the presence of the living God among His people.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  24. “Revival is not a matter of great emotion, but of deep repentance.”

    – Billy Graham

  25. “Revival is not a cheap thrill; it is a costly obedience.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  26. “True revival will only come when we are willing to repent of our sins and turn to God in faith.”

    – Billy Graham

  27. “A revival of true religion is the greatest possible blessing that Heaven can bestow upon our world.”

    – Jonathan Edwards

  28. “Without a deep and abiding conviction of sin, there can be no true revival.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  29. “Revival is the result of the Holy Spirit working through surrendered lives.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  30. “Revival is the result of a deep hunger for the presence and power of God.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  31. “A revival is not the work of a moment, but the fruit of a long and patient waiting upon God.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  32. “Without true repentance, there can be no revival.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  33. “Revival is the result of a deep longing and hunger for God in the hearts of His people.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  34. “A true revival of religion begins with the conversion of individuals.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  35. “Without holiness, there can be no revival.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  36. “Revival is never the result of emotion; it is always the result of obedience.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  37. “True revival comes when the people of God are willing to humble themselves and turn from their own ways.”

    – Billy Graham

  38. “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.”

    – Jonathan Edwards

  39. “Revival begins in the hearts of individual believers and spreads to the community.”

    – Billy Graham

  40. “True revival is not a matter of powerful preaching and eloquent speakers, but of a deep, spiritual hunger in the hearts of God’s people.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  41. “The only hope of revival is the presence of the living God among His people.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  42. “The only way to bring a revival is to stir up the fire of God in the people.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  43. “Revival is the result of a deep longing and hunger for God in the hearts of His people.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  44. “Revival is not just for the church; it is for the world.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  45. “True revival will only come when we are willing to repent of our sins and turn to God in faith.”

    – Billy Graham

  46. “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.”

    – Jonathan Edwards

  47. “Revival is the renewing of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in the life of the church.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  48. “Revival is the result of prayers, faith, obedience, and wholehearted commitment to the Lord.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  49. “Nothing will bring a revival but a prayerful, humble, contrite people.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  50. “The only true revival is a revival of the heart.”

    – Billy Graham

  51. “It is not possible to have a revival without genuine repentance.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  52. “Revival is the result of a deep and genuine hunger for God.”

    – A.W. Tozer

  53. “Revival is not a matter of emotion; it is a matter of obedience.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  54. “Revival is not a cheap thrill; it is a costly obedience.”

    – Leonard Ravenhill

  55. “Without a deep and abiding conviction of sin, there can be no true revival.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  56. “Without holiness, there can be no revival.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  57. “Without true repentance, there can be no revival.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  58. “A true revival of religion begins with the conversion of individuals.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  59. “A revival is not the work of a moment, but the fruit of a long and patient waiting upon God.”

    – Charles G. Finney

  60. “True revival comes when the people of God are willing to humble themselves and turn from their own ways.”

    – Billy Graham


In conclusion, revival quotes are a great way to motivate and inspire people to reach their goals and live life to the fullest. They can be used to help people realize their potential and gain a renewed sense of purpose. Whether you’re looking for a bit of motivation to get through a tough day or a reminder of why you started something in the first place, revival quotes can provide the guidance you need. So don’t be afraid to take a few moments to reflect on the inspiring words of others and find the encouragement you need to keep moving forward.


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