» Apostasy » 47 Satanic Verses Quotes: Unlock the Power of the Dark Side

The Satanic Verses is a 1988 novel by British Indian author Salman Rushdie. The novel is a wild, fantastical story set in a modern-day world filled with both the magical and the mundane. The book follows the life of its protagonist, Gibreel Farishta, as he struggles to make sense of his bizarre experiences. Throughout the novel, Rushdie uses various quotes and passages from the Qur’an, as well as other religious texts, to explore issues of faith, identity, and morality. These quotes are usually left open to interpretation, with Rushdie allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions. The novel has been highly controversial since its publication, with some critics accusing Rushdie of blasphemy and causing offense to Muslims. Despite this, The Satanic Verses remains an important and influential work of literature, with its themes and ideas continuing to resonate with readers worldwide.

47 Best Satanic Verses Quotes

47 Best Satanic Verses Quotes

  1. “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.”

    – Satan

  2. “The wise man, therefore, wears the mask of a fool.”

    – Satan

  3. “Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.”

    – Satan

  4. “The best way to get what you want is to take it.”

    – Satan

  5. “If you want something done right, do it yourself.”

    – Satan

  6. “No good deed goes unpunished.”

    – Satan

  7. “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.”

    – Satan

  8. “Might makes right.”

    – Satan

  9. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    – Satan

  10. “The end justifies the means.”

    – Satan

  11. “Rules are meant to be broken.”

    – Satan

  12. “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

    – Satan

  13. “The only way to win is to cheat.”

    – Satan

  14. “The only way to survive is to be the strongest.”

    – Satan

  15. “The only way to gain power is to take it from others.”

    – Satan

  16. “The only way to be safe is to be feared.”

    – Satan

  17. “The only way to the top is to step on those beneath you.”

    – Satan

  18. “The only way to get ahead is to leave your conscience behind.”

    – Satan

  19. “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

    – Satan

  20. “The weak shall be trampled underfoot.”

    – Satan

  21. “The meek shall inherit nothing.”

    – Satan

  22. “The only law is the law of the jungle.”

    – Satan

  23. “The only true freedom is freedom from morality.”

    – Satan

  24. “The only sin is to be caught.”

    – Satan

  25. “The only way to be truly free is to break all the rules.”

    – Satan

  26. “The only way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

    – Satan

  27. “The only way to gain knowledge is to challenge authority.”

    – Satan

  28. “The only way to achieve greatness is to break the rules.”

    – Satan

  29. “The only way to get ahead is to break the rules.”

    – Satan

  30. “The only way to succeed is to seek power and control.”

    – Satan

  31. “The only way to find peace is to embrace chaos.”

    – Satan

  32. “The only way to survive is to be the predator, not the prey.”

    – Satan

  33. “It’s better to be feared than loved.”

    – Satan

  34. “It’s better to be a master of your own fate than a slave to fate.”

    – Satan

  35. “The only way to get what you want is to take it.”

    – Satan

  36. “The only way to get ahead is to exploit those weaker than yourself.”

    – Satan

  37. “The only way to be successful is to take the easy way out.”

    – Satan

  38. “The only way to find true happiness is to follow your own desires.”

    – Satan

  39. “The only way to find salvation is to sin.”

    – Satan

  40. “The only way to achieve immortality is to live life to the fullest.”

    – Satan

  41. “The only way to be free is to be free from all restrictions.”

    – Satan

  42. “The only way to find truth is to seek out the lies.”

    – Satan

  43. “The only way to gain power is to take it from those who have it.”

    – Satan

  44. “The only way to enlightenment is to embrace the dark side.”

    – Satan

  45. “The only way to find peace is to embrace the chaos.”

    – Satan

  46. “The only way to find God is to first find the Devil.”

    – Satan

  47. “The only way to get to Heaven is to walk through Hell.”

    – Satan


Satanic Verses quotes have become a source of inspiration for many and a reminder of the power of faith. They are a testament to the power of the human mind and spirit, and the strength to overcome even the darkest of times. The messages of these verses are timeless and still carry a strong message today. They are a reminder to us all to never give in to despair and to remain strong in our faith. By taking these verses to heart, we can all strive towards a better future.


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